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List "WY - Greatest Vertical Drop - 1 Mile Radius" By TWorth      View Map of this List
# in list Name Elevation Saddle Prominence Line Parent Isolation Proximate Parent State Counties QuadrangleLiDARVertical Drop - feet
1Grand Teton13,775' 7,241' 6,534' Gannett Peak69.33 Gannett PeakWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes2863
2Moran, Mount12,610' 9,936' 2,674' Middle Teton6.18 Owen, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes2657
3Owen, Mount12,932' 12,088' 844' Grand Teton0.47 Grand TetonWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes2505
4Teewinot Mountain12,332' 11,503' 829' Owen, Mount0.86 Owen, MountWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes2347
5Bivouac Peak10,825' 10,520' 305' Traverse Peak0.54 Traverse PeakWYTetonMount Moran - Map2334
6Woodring, Mount11,590' 10,040' 1,550' Buck Mountain1.93 Thor PeakWYTetonMount Moran - Map2292
7Traverse Peak11,051' 9,960' 1,091' Doane Peak2.33 12081WYTetonMount Moran - Map2269
8Thor Peak12,032' 11,617' 415' 120810.42 12081WYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes2229
9East Horn11,480' 11,212' 268' Moran, Mount0.49 Moran, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes2220
10West Horn11,605' 11,412' 193' Moran, Mount0.40 Moran, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes2219
11Pilot Peak11,711' 9,181' 2,530' Sunlight Peak10.82 Wilse, MountWYParkPilot Peak - Mapyes2197
121091910,919' 10,520' 399' Woodring, Mount0.84 Woodring, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Map2182
131208112,081' 11,740' 341' Moran, Mount0.61 Moran, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes2144
14Barronette Peak10,442' 8,300' 2,142' Meridian Peak2.75 Abiathar PeakWYParkAbiathar Peak - Map2144
15Saint John, Mount11,435' 10,079' 1,356' Woodring, Mount1.80 Woodring, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes2081
16Eagles Rest Peak11,258' 10,760' 498' Doane Peak1.34 Doane PeakWYTetonRanger Peak - Map2065
17Bald Peak8,633' 7,580' 1,053' 88854.81 Dead Indian HillWYParkBald Peak - Map2001
18Abiathar Peak10,928' 10,060' 868' 109471.79 10947WYParkAbiathar Peak - Map1993
19Jaw, The11,391' 11,096' 295' Saint John, Mount0.76 Saint John, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes1991
20Rockchuck Peak11,144' 10,600' 544' Saint John, Mount0.51 Saint John, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Map1969
21Squaretop Mountain11,695' 11,020' 675' 118352.23 11835WYSubletteSquaretop Mountain - Map1962
22Prospectors Mountain11,241' 9,500' 1,741' Buck Mountain2.85 Static PeakWYTetonGrand Teton - Map1956
231077510,775' 10,420' 355' 110631.48 11063WYParkClouds Home Peak - Map1954
241190111,901' 11,111' 790' Bruin Benchmark3.51 Needle MountainWYParkFall Creek - Mapyes1953
251125511,255' 10,180' 1,075' Closed Benchmark2.06 Closed BenchmarkWYParkHurricane Mesa - Map1927
261116511,165' 10,780' 385' Chaos Mountain1.54 Chaos MountainWYParkPinnacle Mountain - Map1927
27South Teton12,518' 11,411' 1,107' Middle Teton0.85 Middle TetonWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes1922
281146011,460' 11,020' 440' 117340.98 11734WYParkYounts Peak - Map1902
29Cody Peak10,268' 9,556' 712' 104663.11 Canfield BenchmarkWYParkCathedral Peak - Mapyes1882
30Needle Mountain12,109' 11,102' 1,007' 123236.13 12323WYParkNeedle Mountain - Mapyes1881
31Standard Peak11,912' 10,774' 1,138' County Peak2.48 11917WYParkTwin Peaks - Mapyes1871
321096510,965' 10,232' 733' Battlement Mountain2.14 Battlement MountainWYParkSheep Mesa - Mapyes1868
33Crescent Top, East11,635' 11,031' 604' 118003.95 11800WYFremontEmerald Lake - Mapyes1853
341027010,270' 9,540' 730' Barronette Peak1.79 Barronette PeakWYParkCutoff Mountain - Map1851
35Brad Benchmark8,959' 7,860' 1,099' Bradley Mountain2.56 Bradley MountainWYLincolnFerry Peak - Map1850
36Hardluck Mountain11,782' 10,740' 1,042' Red Tops2.04 Lost Ranger TopWYParkHardluck Mountain - Map1838
37Man Peak10,326' 9,300' 1,026' 103508.29 Deadman MountainWYLincolnMan Peak - Map1831
38Thunderer, The10,543' 8,820' 1,723' 109474.55 10947WYParkAbiathar Peak - Map1828
391094710,947' 9,637' 1,310' Pilot Peak6.15 Pilot PeakWYParkAbiathar Peak - Mapyes1824
40Wall Mountain11,498' 10,140' 1,358' 117343.39 11734WYParkYounts Peak - Map1821
41Double Mountain10,884' 10,465' 419' 111721.14 11172WYParkClayton Mountain - Mapyes1809
42Silvertip Peak10,645' 9,260' 1,385' Cathedral Peak3.24 10773WYParkCathedral Peak - Map1805
43Castor Peak10,866' 9,820' 1,046' Pollux Peak1.41 Pollux PeakWYParkPollux Peak - Map1803
441038010,380' 9,420' 960' Atkins Peak1.29 10431WYParkPlenty Coups Peak - Map1799
45Lizard Head Peak12,857' 10,948' 1,909' 128686.46 Temple PeakWYFremontLizard Head Peak - Mapyes1792
46Gannett Peak13,811' 6,732' 7,079' Longs Peak290.69 Longs PeakWYFremont & SubletteGannett Peak - Mapyes1787
47Eagle Peak11,367' 9,500' 1,867' 114972.59 11497WYParkEagle Peak - Map1787
48Rock of Ages10,870' 10,509' 361' Saint John, Mount0.61 Saint John, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes1785
49Amphitheater Mountain10,849' 10,503' 346' 109471.01 10947WYParkPilot Peak - Mapyes1785
50Middle Teton12,807' 11,650' 1,157' Grand Teton0.90 Grand TetonWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes1780
51"Buckingham Palace"11,103' 10,691' 412' Saint John, Mount0.87 "Mount Fryxell"WYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes1778
521126011,260' 10,540' 720' 118611.89 11510WYParkSheep Mesa - Map1777
53Fremont Peak13,754' 12,581' 1,173' Gannett Peak4.48 Gannett PeakWYFremont & SubletteFremont Peak South - Mapyes1774
541106311,063' 10,300' 763' 115232.65 11584WYParkClouds Home Peak - Map1773
55Cedar Mountain7,890' 5,410' 2,480' 85564.96 Rattlesnake Mountain, EastWYParkIrma Flats - Map1773
561110911,109' 10,580' 529' Shoshone Plateau1.77 Shoshone PlateauWYParkHardluck Mountain - Map1766
57Republic Mountain10,162' 9,260' 902' 105002.09 10500WYParkCooke City - Map1764
58Sunlight Peak11,928' 10,421' 1,507' Dead Indian Peak8.18 Dead Indian PeakWYParkSunlight Peak - Mapyes1750
59Washakie Needles12,522' 11,177' 1,345' Francs Peak15.36 Jojo MountainWYHot SpringsMonument Peak - Mapyes1749
60Temple Peak12,982' 11,499' 1,483' Wind River Peak2.26 Wind River PeakWYSubletteTemple Peak - Mapyes1744
61"Anniversary Peak"11,253' 10,840' 413' Eagles Rest Peak0.54 Eagles Rest PeakWYTetonRanger Peak - Map1742
62Albright Peak10,552' 10,200' 352' Static Peak0.85 Static PeakWYTetonGrand Teton - Map1740
631190311,903' 11,578' 325' 119481.17 11948WYParkEmerald Lake - Mapyes1736
641152411,524' 10,940' 584' 116561.14 11656WYParkGeers Point - Map1736
65Dog Tooth Peak12,494' 11,393' 1,101' Wind River Peak1.98 Lizard Head PeakWYFremont & SubletteLizard Head Peak - Mapyes1735
66Raynolds Peak10,910' 10,200' 710' Glacier Benchmark1.55 Traverse PeakWYTetonMount Moran - Map1733
671054010,540' 9,740' 800' Silvertip Peak0.89 Silvertip PeakWYParkCathedral Peak - Map1732
68"Mount Fryxell"11,274' 10,543' 731' Saint John, Mount1.45 Woodring, MountWYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes1731
69Moose Mountain10,922' 10,500' 422' Land Mountain1.15 Land MountainWYParkSunlight Peak - Map1727
70Buck Mountain11,938' 10,622' 1,316' South Teton2.04 South TetonWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes1724
711074010,740' 9,940' 800' 109701.12 10970WYParkPollux Peak - Map1722
721184511,845' 11,500' 345' Needle Mountain1.41 Needle MountainWYParkNeedle Mountain - Map1721
73Table Mountain11,065' 10,100' 965' Eagle Peak2.18 Eagle PeakWYParkEagle Peak - Map1718
74Ladd Peak12,967' 12,307' 660' Whitecap, Mount0.66 Whitecap, MountWYSubletteGannett Peak - Mapyes1716
75"McClintock Peak"11,015' 10,569' 446' "Mount Fryxell"0.46 "Buckingham Palace"WYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes1716
76"Flying Buttress"11,095' 10,180' 915' Corner Peak1.68 11180WYTetonDoubletop Peak - Map1711
77Nipple Mesa11,492' 11,020' 472' Sunlight Peak2.51 Sunlight PeakWYParkSunlight Peak - Map1707
78Nez Perce11,903' 11,392' 511' South Teton1.00 Middle TetonWYTetonGrand Teton - Mapyes1705
791186111,861' 10,748' 1,113' Overlook Mountain2.18 Overlook MountainWYParkThorofare Buttes - Mapyes1705
80Closed Benchmark11,304' 9,700' 1,604' Pilot Peak7.95 Pilot PeakWYParkCanoe Lake - Map1702
811090110,901' 10,378' 523' 110900.72 11090WYParkDead Indian Peak - Mapyes1700
821117211,172' 10,540' 632' 123472.31 12347WYParkDick Creek Lakes - Map1699
83Ramshorn Peak11,635' 11,100' 535' 118492.29 11849WYFremontRamshorn Peak - Map1696
84Mitchell Peak12,494' 11,919' 575' Wind River Peak1.49 Lizard Head PeakWYFremont & SubletteLizard Head Peak - Mapyes1695
851187511,875' 10,980' 895' 123092.96 12309WYParkAldrich Basin - Map1693
86Symmetry Spire10,545' 10,222' 323' "Symmetry Crag #5"0.56 "Symmetry Crag #5"WYTetonMount Moran - Mapyes1691
871073810,738' 10,373' 365' 107640.31 10764WYParkPahaska Tepee - Mapyes1686
88Torrey Peak12,189' 10,714' 1,475' Downs Mountain2.38 Spider PeakWYFremontDowns Mountain - Mapyes1684
8997409,740' 9,140' 600' 113413.09 Nipple MesaWYParkJaggar Peak - Map1675
90Battlement Mountain11,833' 10,888' 945' Overlook Mountain3.24 11861WYParkSheep Mesa - Mapyes1671
91Elk Mountain10,760' 9,640' 1,120' Glacier Benchmark2.53 10881WYTetonRanger Peak - Map1668
92Clayton Mountain10,219' 9,140' 1,079' Double Mountain2.02 Double MountainWYParkClayton Mountain - Map1666
93Beaver Mountain9,854' 9,300' 554' Ramshorn Peak2.67 Ramshorn PeakWYTetonBull Creek - Map1662
94"The Image"10,750' 10,420' 330' Traverse Peak0.60 Traverse PeakWYTetonMount Moran - Map1659
951018010,180' 9,700' 480' Barronette Peak0.73 Barronette PeakWYParkAbiathar Peak - Map1659
96Big Sandy Mountain12,421' 11,825' 596' Dog Tooth Peak0.86 Dog Tooth PeakWYFremont & SubletteLizard Head Peak - Mapyes1654
971093810,938' 10,420' 518' Caldwell Benchmark2.27 Caldwell BenchmarkWYFremontSnow Lake - Map1652
9897439,743' 8,780' 963' 103502.54 Haystack PeakWYLincolnMan Peak - Map1651
99Geikie, Mount12,384' 11,308' 1,076' Raid Peak2.09 Hooker, MountWYSubletteMount Bonneville - Mapyes1646
100Crystal Peak10,967' 10,364' 603' 112183.01 11218WYTetonCrystal Peak - Map1645

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