Timpanogos Cave - UT
Rank  Peak Name Elevation Rise State
 Timpanogos, Mount11,755' 5,264'   UT
 "South Timpanogos"11,727' 454'   UT
 "Southeast Summit"11,620' 160'   UT
 "North Timpanogos"11,452' 601'   UT
 "Bomber Peak"11,336' 272'   UT
 "The Shoulder"11,180' 80'   UT
 Box Elder Peak11,101' 1,641'   UT
 Roberts Horn10,993' 533'   UT
 1062610,626' 486'   UT
 "Forgotten Peak"10,503' 227'   UT
 1005710,057' 357'   UT
 92379,237' 337'   UT
 Mahogany Mountain9,001' 621'   UT
10  89268,926' 346'   UT
11  84608,460' 360'   UT
 "Little Mountain"7,176' 76'   UT
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