Maple Springs - NC
Rank  Peak Name Elevation Rise State
 Thomkins Knob4,100' 960'   NC
 Husons Ridge3,860' 120'   NC
 Fire Scale Mountain3,854' 114'   NC
 Ivy Point Ridge2,705' 45'   NC
 Flint Knob2,660' 440'   NC
 Wolf Knob2,610' 150'   NC
 Greens Ridge2,545' 205'   NC
 Chestnut Mountain2,531' 151'   NC
 Miller Mountain2,500' 200'   NC
 Yates Knob2,470' 50'   NC
 Johnson Mountain2,420' 240'   NC
 Parmer Mountain2,300' 560'   NC
Adjacent Quadrangles:
Todd Glendale Springs Horse Gap
Deep Gap Purlear
Buffalo Cove Grandin Boomer
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