Sheridan Canyon - NM
Rank  Peak Name Elevation Rise State
 68426,842' 422'   NM
 65306,530' 790'   NM
 64826,482' 782'   NM
 64426,442' 1,182'   NM
 Bugle Ridge6,420' 520'   NM
 64026,402' 342'   NM
 63326,332' 672'   NM
 New Well Peak6,284' 584'   NM
 62676,267' 287'   NM
 62506,250' 350'   NM
10  62056,205' 305'   NM
11  61626,162' 412'   NM
12  53405,340' 520'   NM
13  50625,062' 362'   NM
14  50605,060' 360'   NM
Adjacent Quadrangles:
Big Hatchet Peak Hatchet Ranch Double Wells
U Bar Ridge Cabin Wells
Sentinel Butte Pierce Peak Campbells Well
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