Oak Creek Valley - OR
Rank  Peak Name Elevation Rise State
 High Point2,297' 797'   OR
 Wild Horse2,073' 260'   OR
 Round Top2,030' 1,170'   OR
 Round Timber1,969' 349'   OR
 Jack Mountain1,894' 754'   OR
 17511,751' 291'   OR
 16601,660' 400'   OR
 Bald Mountain1,526' 546'   OR
 14611,461' 321'   OR
 13231,323' 543'   OR
 12241,224' 364'   OR
10  11021,102' 362'   OR
Adjacent Quadrangles:
Sutherlin Nonpareil Hinkle Creek
Winchester Glide
Roseburg East Dixonville Lane Mountain
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