Rastus Mountain - OR
Rank  Peak Name Elevation Rise State
 Bullrun Mountain7,387' 887'   OR
 72607,260' 280'   OR
 72207,220' 320'   OR
 Waqíima Butte6,898' 797'   OR
 Rastus Mountain6,810' 710'   OR
 Luther Butte6,752' 452'   OR
 Murray Hill6,559' 499'   OR
 Sheephead Mountain6,343' 723'   OR
 Rough Ridge6,260' 240'   OR
 61106,110' 450'   OR
Adjacent Quadrangles:
Rail Gulch Unity Hereford
Bullrun Rock Eldorado Pass
Flag Prairie Clevenger Butte De Bord Peaks
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