McClellan Mountain - OR
Rank  Peak Name Elevation Rise State
 70607,060' 280'   OR
 McClellan Mountain7,043' 663'   OR
 Moon Mountain7,043' 463'   OR
 Ingle Mountain6,771' 1,557'   OR
 Second Peak6,635' 135'   OR
 Ingle Rock6,380' 80'   OR
 Riley Mountain6,246' 386'   OR
 Cinnabar Mountain6,166' 626'   OR
 61376,137' 397'   OR
 Riley Creek Butte6,107' 407'   OR
 Dead Horse Mountain6,096' 356'   OR
 First Peak5,913' 53'   OR
 55175,517' 337'   OR
Adjacent Quadrangles:
Shop Gulch Wolfinger Butte Mount Vernon
Big Weasel Springs Fall Mountain
Flagtail Mountain Logdell Scotty Creek
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