Member Statistics
MA Peaks - jcyoung in MA:
  105 Total Ranked Summits
  2 Total Soft-Ranked Summits
  AllAll 1 3ers
  22 of 31 2ers
  55 of 80 1ers
  27 of 42 0ers
  68 Highest 100 Peaks
  71 of 100 Most Prominent Peaks
  AllAll 1 2,000' Prominence Peaks
  AllAll 3 1,000' Prominence Peaks
  8 of 14 County Highpoints
41 Total Quads Completed
View All 282 Completed MA Peaks
View MA Ascending Proximity List
View MA Highest Remaining Peaks

Ranked Peak Summary by County:
  Berkshire23 of 42
  Bristol All 1
  Essex All 1
  Franklin29 of 42
  Hampden All 20
  Hampshire8 of 18
  Middlesex All 4
  Norfolk All 2
  Plymouth All 1
  Worcester16 of 21
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