Member Statistics
VT Peaks - The Honorable Raven:
  28 Total Ranked Summits
  2 Total Soft-Ranked Summits
  AllAll 4 4ers
  14 of 81 3ers
  9 of 293 2ers
  1 of 324 1ers
  19 Highest 100 Peaks
  25 Highest 200 Peaks
  28 Highest 500 Peaks
  17 of 100 Most Prominent Peaks
  7 of 13 2,000' Prominence Peaks
  15 of 68 1,000' Prominence Peaks
  8 of 14 County Highpoints
  1 of 17 VT Wilderness Area Summits
  1 of 8 VT Wilderness Area Highpoints
  5 of 80 VT National Forest Summits
 AllAll 1 VT National Forest Highpoints
View All 39 Completed VT Peaks
View VT Highest Remaining Peaks

Ranked Peak Summary by County:
  Addison1 of 53
  Bennington2 of 54
  Caledonia6 of 47
  Chittenden2 of 52
  Essex4 of 58
  Franklin1 of 37
  Orleans5 of 48
  Rutland4 of 106
  Washington3 of 54
  Windham1 of 59
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