Member Statistics
NC Peaks - The Honorable Raven:
  29 Total Ranked Summits
  2 Total Soft-Ranked Summits
  AllAll 27 6ers
  1 of 102 5ers
  1 of 322 4ers
  28 Highest 100 Peaks
  28 Highest 200 Peaks
  29 Highest 500 Peaks
  29 Highest 1,000 Peaks
  10 of 100 Most Prominent Peaks
  5 of 11 2,000' Prominence Peaks
  9 of 95 1,000' Prominence Peaks
  9 of 100 County Highpoints
  2 Steepest 100 Peaks
  2 of 18 NC Wilderness Area Summits
  1 of 13 NC Wilderness Area Highpoints
  11 of 355 NC National Forest Summits
  2 of 5 NC National Forest Highpoints
  7 of 63 NC National Park Summits
 AllAll 1 NC National Park Highpoints
View All 54 Completed NC Peaks
View NC Highest Remaining Peaks

Ranked Peak Summary by County:
  Avery2 of 34
  Buncombe2 of 112
  Caldwell1 of 49
  Haywood12 of 94
  Jackson5 of 113
  Madison1 of 95
  Mitchell2 of 38
  Swain5 of 99
  Watauga1 of 45
  Yancey7 of 59
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