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List "Apex Eastern HPs (Toughest 20 Eastern US COHPs)" By wayfarer

Notes: This list of the toughest Eastern COHPs was developed by Ron Tagliapietra, with much input and discussion from members of the County Highpointers. Ron created a rating system to score the peaks based on various criteria. These include- Total gain: 1 point per foot
One-way distance points per mile (ppm)
500 ppm ht: hiking trail [maintained] 500
1000 ppm ut: unmaintained trail
2000 ppm rt: rough trail [use trail, herd path, manway]
2500 ppm pt: potential trail, off trail in open woods
3000 ppm nt: no trail [bushwhack in brush or thickets]
Bonus points (not per mile)
500 alp: alpine summits for weather hazards
1000 scr: scrambles up steep slopes
1000 ori: orienteering skills needed
For more information visit and
In particular, on the latter site, there is much information in messages 2589, 2443, 2398, 2383, 2373, 2357, 2238, 2208, 1852, 1257, 918, 917, 707, 701, 623, 615, 609, 604, 600, 598, and 592. Also see messages 2973, 4946, 4968, 4369, 4974, 4982, 5018, and 5021. I have taken the liberty of adding Big Bald Mountain to the list as it is a contender to Rich Mountain for the Gilmer COHP in Georgia, and is adjacent to Rich Mountain and requires a similar hike. I have not attempted to give it a score however. It should also be noted that this list could remain open to debate and that access changes, such as new trails could significantly reduce the scores of some peaks.

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