List Name |
Created By |
(Pre-LIDAR) Ranked peaks >= 13K in the lower 49 | TeresaGergen |
CO Ranked Peaks >= 13K (post-LiDAR) | RyanSchilling |
Peaks of 14er Quads | John Kirk |
Colorado Wilderness | mikeofferman |
Needle Mountains | Brian Kalet |
San Juan Core 18 Quads | GerryRoach |
Pre-LiDAR Contiguous US 12ers+ | John Kirk |
Weminuche Wilderness 13ers (All) | SupraNihilEst |
Weminuche Wilderness 13ers (Ranked) | SupraNihilEst |
Colorado 13ers - Traditional Interpolation | John Kirk |
La Plata County - Traditional Interpolation | John Kirk |
1000 Steepest - duplicated for the map | wren |
Colorado 12k+ (LiDAR) | josephnephi |
Rocky Mountains 12k+ | josephnephi |
Colorado 12k+ | JeremyJ |
Contiguous US 12ers+ | John Kirk |
CO Avg Drop 400 m Radius | bdloftin |
CO Avg Drop 200 m Radius | bdloftin |
CO Avg Drop 100 m Radius | bdloftin |
Colorado 11.5K+ | adominic |
CO Least Climbed 13ers (Aug 2024) | k fergie |
Contiguous US 13ers+ | Kyle Wehner |