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James River Watershed - Winter
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James River Watershed Ranked Peaks (434) |
Name | Has Completed: |
wayfarer | 176 | Peter J Barr | 87 | phlnph9 | 83 | sfishback | 65 | nikolai | 59 | Mike Stinson | 48 | abvivadog | 47 | bgathright | 39 | markrvdl | 38 | Randy Gabany | 32 | Wererichertoo | 29 | SDillmore | 27 | Spruce Grouch | 26 | Spencermcm | 23 | BobPackard | 21 | Cliff Young | 21 | RolandRyan | 18 | ChrisinAZ | 17 | gamehiker | 17 | Wolfie | 17 | trc2 | 16 | maledeel | 15 | derekrutledge | 14 | powenru | 14 | spookymike | 14 | Allison Barr | 13 | AndyMartin | 13 | drdickie | 13 | elijahdgendron | 13 | fonzor | 13 | GarySwing | 13 | Mountainfreak | 13 | Sarah Simon | 13 | Sdmoffitt | 13 | Vera Ashcroft | 13 | deadbugman | 12 | Zachary Robbins | 12 | Rawley Massoth | 11 | RoySwkr | 11 | sapphaverana | 11 | TomInPA | 10 | Vamountians | 10 | Boorman | 9 | burtonhodges | 9 | Ken Jones | 9 | RickBaugher | 9 | ScottSurgent | 9 | swampflower | 9 | aaronsnyder2 | 8 | DouglasHarris | 8 | dpage | 8 | CobyKing | 7 | winstondww | 7 | bswift | 6 | flcaver | 6 | Jim Jackson | 6 | Karen Jones | 6 | Makers | 6 | Scott Conro | 6 | Squatchis | 6 | Tacoma MPV | 6 | Victor Zhou | 6 | Vitara MPV | 6 | anyagupta | 5 | BDillmore | 5 | BobBolton | 5 | esquared | 5 | Ken Russell | 5 | madstonecutter | 5 | Tom Layton | 5 | boisedoc | 4 | braunfrederick | 4 | bretthath | 4 | Craig Barlow | 4 | Desert Rat | 4 | Hikerbb | 4 | Jeff Rinehart | 4 | john ide | 4 | johnvitz | 4 | Mark Adrian | 4 | roncohp | 4 | timhutch3 | 4 | AlanCoats | 3 | beisner | 3 | Dave Jurasevich | 3 | Ewandall | 3 | jkmoore | 3 | Jtphillips | 3 | lincolnnichols | 3 | mgbeavers1 | 3 | sockydr | 3 | TheSmashBros | 3 | amanda | 2 | bechtt | 2 | BethCousSurg | 2 | Christine Bartell | 2 | cp0915 | 2 | dhelder | 2 | hgrapid | 2 | Keith | 2 | legerelaw | 2 | pamola | 2 | tjmartn1 | 2 | TurfToe | 2 | VAmountains | 2 | Walt | 2 | aaronm | 1 | AirMason | 1 | alexmurray | 1 | amadisofgaul | 1 | amichek | 1 | Anna Boeche | 1 | Awesomezach | 1 | BBQJeep | 1 | BettyBrekhus | 1 | BikerJen | 1 | Brian Browning | 1 | BryanScott | 1 | cmcjoe | 1 | danhb | 1 | dasaan | 1 | DaveCovill | 1 | DavidNickoloff | 1 | DickEllsworth | 1 | doug72901 | 1 | EmilieNickoloff | 1 | estushibbard | 1 | gosox | 1 | GrantMyers | 1 | James Hitch | 1 | JerryBrekhus | 1 | jmbrooks8 | 1 | Jnewman | 1 | johndayton03 | 1 | Joseph Swift | 1 | karrhorn | 1 | KhmerHokie | 1 | Kimo Boeche | 1 | LauraNewman | 1 | Leethouse | 1 | mlayman | 1 | nephi | 1 | Nomad | 1 | OpaJohn | 1 | Paxman | 1 | pcsongei | 1 | RandyNolt | 1 | Sarah Henderson | 1 | Sarah Martin | 1 | SensoZakku | 1 | ServerAdamin | 1 | The Honorable Raven | 1 | TwoSpoons | 1 | VinceKloster | 1 | Wallerw1 | 1 | whitedbc | 1 | wilderleavitt | 1 | wlloyd | 1 | |
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James River Watershed Including Unranked (863) |
Name | Has Completed: |
wayfarer | 233 | Peter J Barr | 102 | phlnph9 | 100 | nikolai | 79 | sfishback | 78 | Mike Stinson | 60 | abvivadog | 52 | bgathright | 41 | markrvdl | 41 | Randy Gabany | 41 | RolandRyan | 32 | trc2 | 32 | Spencermcm | 30 | Spruce Grouch | 30 | SDillmore | 29 | Wererichertoo | 29 | Mountainfreak | 23 | Wolfie | 23 | BobPackard | 22 | Cliff Young | 22 | Sdmoffitt | 20 | ChrisinAZ | 19 | Zachary Robbins | 19 | fonzor | 18 | gamehiker | 17 | Sarah Simon | 17 | spookymike | 17 | TomInPA | 17 | maledeel | 16 | Rawley Massoth | 16 | deadbugman | 15 | derekrutledge | 15 | swampflower | 15 | Allison Barr | 14 | drdickie | 14 | powenru | 14 | RoySwkr | 14 | Vamountians | 14 | Vera Ashcroft | 14 | AndyMartin | 13 | burtonhodges | 13 | elijahdgendron | 13 | GarySwing | 13 | aaronsnyder2 | 12 | CobyKing | 11 | sapphaverana | 11 | Boorman | 10 | DouglasHarris | 10 | Scott Conro | 10 | bswift | 9 | dpage | 9 | Ken Jones | 9 | RickBaugher | 9 | ScottSurgent | 9 | flcaver | 8 | Jim Jackson | 8 | winstondww | 8 | Jeff Rinehart | 7 | Makers | 7 | Squatchis | 7 | Vitara MPV | 7 | BobBolton | 6 | esquared | 6 | Hikerbb | 6 | Karen Jones | 6 | madstonecutter | 6 | Tacoma MPV | 6 | Tom Layton | 6 | Victor Zhou | 6 | anyagupta | 5 | BDillmore | 5 | beisner | 5 | cp0915 | 5 | Ewandall | 5 | Ken Russell | 5 | lincolnnichols | 5 | TheSmashBros | 5 | AlanCoats | 4 | boisedoc | 4 | braunfrederick | 4 | bretthath | 4 | Craig Barlow | 4 | Desert Rat | 4 | jkmoore | 4 | john ide | 4 | johnvitz | 4 | Mark Adrian | 4 | roncohp | 4 | timhutch3 | 4 | Dave Jurasevich | 3 | Jtphillips | 3 | mgbeavers1 | 3 | sockydr | 3 | tjmartn1 | 3 | alexmurray | 2 | amadisofgaul | 2 | amanda | 2 | bechtt | 2 | BethCousSurg | 2 | Christine Bartell | 2 | dasaan | 2 | dhelder | 2 | estushibbard | 2 | gosox | 2 | hgrapid | 2 | Keith | 2 | legerelaw | 2 | pamola | 2 | RandyNolt | 2 | SensoZakku | 2 | TurfToe | 2 | VAmountains | 2 | Wallerw1 | 2 | Walt | 2 | aaronm | 1 | AirMason | 1 | amichek | 1 | Anna Boeche | 1 | Awesomezach | 1 | BBQJeep | 1 | BettyBrekhus | 1 | BikerJen | 1 | Brian Browning | 1 | BryanScott | 1 | cmcjoe | 1 | danhb | 1 | DaveCovill | 1 | DavidNickoloff | 1 | DickEllsworth | 1 | doug72901 | 1 | DuaneGilliland | 1 | EmilieNickoloff | 1 | GrantMyers | 1 | James Hitch | 1 | jeffkunkle | 1 | JerryBrekhus | 1 | jmbrooks8 | 1 | Jnewman | 1 | johndayton03 | 1 | Joseph Swift | 1 | kalliahopesmith | 1 | karrhorn | 1 | KhmerHokie | 1 | Kimo Boeche | 1 | lafiurcm | 1 | LauraNewman | 1 | Lbaratier | 1 | Leethouse | 1 | Mike Bromberg | 1 | mlayman | 1 | nephi | 1 | Nomad | 1 | OpaJohn | 1 | Paxman | 1 | pcsongei | 1 | phacelialpina | 1 | rpcebula | 1 | Sarah Henderson | 1 | Sarah Martin | 1 | ServerAdamin | 1 | The Honorable Raven | 1 | TwoSpoons | 1 | VinceKloster | 1 | wemedge | 1 | whitedbc | 1 | wilderleavitt | 1 | wlloyd | 1 | |