I believe the new USGS map is in error in it's placement of Thunder Mountain:
Thunder Mountain is actually Peaks 11,154 and 11,150 farther west. This is how all local maps and sources label it (I can provide a scan of other maps if anyone is interested in seeing them). This should be Thunder Mountain:
See also the SP pages:
Thunder Mountain is the one visible from Salt Lake Valley, as seen here:
It can bee seen from the Utah Valley as well, but not as conspicuous:
Google or Bing "Thunder Mountain Wasatch" for clarification (all will pull up 11,154 and 11,150):
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=thu ... &form=QBIR
http://www.bing.com/search?q=thunder+mo ... ORM=HDRSC1
I think I can even find where the error came from. Thunder Mountain was not labeled on the old 7.5 minute map, but was on the old 1:250,000 scale map. Because the 1:250,000 scale map is at a small scale, the name "THUNDER MOUNTAIN" overlapped both peaks. It seems that someone down the line misinterpreted one of the old maps and the error just showed up (as in the last couple years) on the new USGS map. The error wasn't present until the brand new USGS maps just came out. I wonder how to get them to fix it?
Also, this peak is known as Big Horn or Upper Bells Peak depending on the local map used:
It may be good to include the name in the peak stats.