More Awards/Stats

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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby jmbrooks8 » Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:32 pm

JK - another cool area to keep track of would be 14ers climbed in unique months of the calendar yr - hence the Grid Master award. Obviously, Ken Nolan seems to be setting the pace. It's one thing to have completed the 14ers, but in what months were they climbed. Maybe encourage others to try them in other seasons. So for eample, CO would have max # of 53x12. How close is anyone to that? I've read some cool TRs on oddball months. Which months end up being the toughest? (the least visited?)
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby John Kirk » Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:54 pm

I've turned this down in the past. It's a little too Colorado-centric for this site to be a primary stat. Let me think about putting it up under the 14ers subsection of the Colorado submenu. Not sure when I'll get to it - maybe sooner if more people request it.
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby DSunwall » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:53 am

I'll vote for it, seems to be catching on, even though no one will ever complete the 14er grid.
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby Jeremy Hakes » Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:08 am

Howz about "Soft served" or some name relating to most soft-ranked peaks?
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby Brian Kalet » Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:43 pm

Jeremy Hakes wrote:Howz about "Soft served" or some name relating to most soft-ranked peaks?

I like this idea, too.
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby jmbrooks8 » Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:23 pm

How about the Calendar Master award. Climb a ranked & unique peak on all 366 calendar days (any year).

Have you ever made a summit on 1/1, 2/29, 12/25, your birthday, your spouse's birthday (try that one), your anniversary (eghad) etc?
No, you can't climb Green Mtn 366 times! :roll:
Reach 366 unique ranked peaks, and you are the seasonal calendar master - can claim all days are yours!
Could show progress as a grid 31 days x 12 mos.
Most likely several finishers - sort by total elev. So even after reaching the magical 366, you can still raise your date-elevation and inch your way up to Calendar King. :wicked:
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby Al Sandorff » Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:56 pm

I like that idea too, but I'm 0 for 6 on the special days you mentioned, 0 for 5 if you factor in that 1/1 is also my wife's birthday. :rip: Anyone know of a winter drive-up that also has a fancy food attraction on top. Perhaps I could get away with a ranked peak with a ski lift to the top if there's a beginner route down. :rip: I wonder what the odds are of Mauna Kea not having snow on it on 1/1? 8)
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby tracyfoutz » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:05 am

Funny you should reply to this topic. I know we have tentative plans for a couple of 2kprom. peaks sometime during the week before Lori's and my 25th anniversary. It now looks like I may be on Rainier during our anniversary :oops: with the understanding that we do something to celebrate before and after my Ranier trip. I'll keep you posted on whether or not our tentative plans are doable. BTW, of the five special dates, I'm 5 for 6 (just lacking 2/29).
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby MikeRodenak » Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:33 am

I'm 1 for 6, I have climbed on 2/29. No spouse, so I guess I am really 1 of 4. I ran out after work to go up a local 7er at sunset a couple of years ago just to be able to get something on 2/29. So far no climbs on my Birthday, but it falls on a Saturday next year so I should get it then. Too bad I travel at Christmas to the flatlands!
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby hikenewhampshire » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:33 pm

jmbrooks8 wrote:How about the Calendar Master award. Climb a ranked & unique peak on all 366 calendar days (any year).

Have you ever made a summit on 1/1, 2/29, 12/25, your birthday, your spouse's birthday (try that one), your anniversary (eghad) etc?
No, you can't climb Green Mtn 366 times! :roll:
Reach 366 unique ranked peaks, and you are the seasonal calendar master - can claim all days are yours!
Could show progress as a grid 31 days x 12 mos.
Most likely several finishers - sort by total elev. So even after reaching the magical 366, you can still raise your date-elevation and inch your way up to Calendar King.

Lacking a spouse, I can only claim 4/4

However I can claim Calendar Master having finished last fall, not just ranked peaks but 100m prominence - I had finished for all peaks years ago but since John gives special credence to p300 I decided to upgrade to p328 at the same time

Most of my peaks are in NH, in fact I lack only 6 dates all during hunting season to have a peak every date in NH although 40-some are unranked - but with these low elevations I am out of contention for Calendar King

You can't see this on my LoJ account as I haven't logged repeats and some were not the first time I was there, but if this gains sufficient prestige I will do so
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby John Kirk » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:25 pm

I've added the 366 day calendar stat, a soft-ranked award, plus a couple other categories for top 100 annual stats (total p300s and sum of prom):

Will be upgrading the 336 day calendar detail page to show all dates with a checkmark or blank later today.
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby DSunwall » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:01 pm

slightly off topic perhaps, how many members of the 800+ log at least 10 peaks per year?
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby John Kirk » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:18 pm

DSunwall wrote:slightly off topic perhaps, how many members of the 800+ log at least 10 peaks per year?

265 with 10+ summits logged in the last 12 months
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Re: More Awards/Stats

Postby jmbrooks8 » Wed May 04, 2011 2:19 pm

Looks like this topic has lots of sub-threads. John - thanks for prior awards - very cool info. Now, since we can't keep you busy enough :twisted: I'll suggest another:

So what about all those peakbaggers that don't want to complete an entire county (given those pesky not-to-be-trodden pks), and will never complete The Grid, let alone even want to do Sunlight, Capitol, or Pyramid Peak(s) 12 times especially in Feb-May. So we need a combined County & Grid Award for those that "complete" a County in Seasonal/Calendar Style. All you have to do is climb 12 distinct ranked peaks within each county to cover the 12 mos. Then count # of these seasonal county completions. This encourages getting out to the counties at different times of the year.
As an example, CO has 64 counties. Only 48 have ranked pks. Only 41 have >= 12 ranked pks.
A little different completing Gilpin Co in 3-4 efficient trips, vs. really experiencing it via min 12 visits throughout the rain, snow, dry, & leaves.
To be efficient here, though, go after the multi-Co line pks!
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