continental 14ers

Potential lists to add to the existing array

continental 14ers

Postby shanahan96 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:31 pm

i was poking around gerry's site and they have a trip report from mexico about climbing some 14ers and 15ers. i know you haven't ventured outside the western united states(except new york) and i think adding a continental 14er list for north america would be an interesting addition to this site.

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Re: continental 14ers

Postby John Kirk » Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:19 am

At some point, I would like to list some stuff south of the US. I'm hoping accurate data in map form with contours comes about soon, available to the public. Current data in terms of DEM is there, but not with true contours. Other maps exist but are unreliable and/or hard to obtain...
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Re: continental 14ers

Postby shanahan96 » Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:54 pm

i do wonder how you're planning on accomplishing this when people can't even agree on the elevation for peaks like orizaba and itzaccihuatl. i've seen everything from 18,405-18,701 for the former and 17,126-17,343 for the latter, which typically only has the two elevations listed. orizaba is, by far, the center of the elevation confusion. it does seem like the true height is somewhere in the upper 18,4's to lower 18,5's.

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