Alaska Stats in Member Profiles

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Alaska Stats in Member Profiles

Postby susanjoypaul » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:26 am

Hi John,

Why is it that, when I go to the "Alaska Lists & Stats" section, "Fourteeners Member Area," it shows that DHatfield did 20,320' Denali on June 10th, 2011, YET when I go to his "Member Profile," it shows his last peak as Pikes Peak, summited on May 21st, 2011?

I am reluctant to congratulate Doug on his achievement, because, as we all know, if it isn't in your Member Profile on Lists of John then it didn't happen! Can you please clear this up for me, so I can respond appropriately ("congratulations on your biggest county/state/country highpoint yet!" versus, "so what, you did Pikes Peak again?")


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Re: Alaska Stats in Member Profiles

Postby Brian Kalet » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:45 pm

In the Ascents Detail I am not seeing that DHatfield climbed Denali on 6/10/2011, perhaps he did not validate a date for the ascent?
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Re: Alaska Stats in Member Profiles

Postby susanjoypaul » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:44 pm

Perhaps. However, an identical anomoly may be witnessed in the case of the Ascent Detail on Mount Fairweather and Gerry Roach. Is Alaska broken? Because I could run up one of those peaks any day now and I'd like it to show up on my profile. It could happen!
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Re: Alaska Stats in Member Profiles

Postby John Kirk » Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:59 pm

The date picker had a problem. Surprised no one mentioned anything who had come across this in person when entering AK peaks. Should work ok now.
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