Pictures in Trip Reports

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Pictures in Trip Reports

Postby PaulStratmoen » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:10 am

:?: For those of us who don't have a web site and also don't post our pictures to a photo site, is there any way to save a picture in LOJ and link it to a trip report? I'd like to at least attach a map to some reports, which would save a lot of wording and time (for both me and the reader) in describing a route.
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Re: Pictures in Trip Reports

Postby John Kirk » Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:45 am

This section of the FAQ Forum here was designed specifically for this (but I admit is a clunky method):

For now...
You can post an image there and then right click it for the web address, for example:
Code: Select all

to put it in a trip report, you'd put the link above between quotes below:
Code: Select all
<img src="">

where the result would look like:
Code: Select all
<img src="">

I was thinking a while back about creating an automated means for someone to upload pictures and place them inline in trip reports - it would take a few hours to set up. I'll look into that in the next week or so.
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Re: Pictures in Trip Reports

Postby PaulStratmoen » Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:25 pm

Thanks John! 8)
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Re: Pictures in Trip Reports

Postby John Kirk » Mon May 02, 2011 6:37 pm

OK - image uploads are now available in trip reports, as well as hyperlink creation. There's a button under each image after it is uploaded to place the image in the report (as html).
Some comments:
1) Be sure to upload all the images you want in the report first, or submit the TR and add more pictures later via edit mode (clicking on the Add Image Button resets the new TR text form).
2) For Images (after already uploaded) and hyperlinks, clicking to add to report will place the needed text string at the end of the text you've already typed.
3) Images are loaded into the database attaching to the peak that was originally chosen to create a TR for. If you want to use the same images for another peak's TR, you'll need to copy and paste the report (or portions of the report you want).
4) Image size is limited to 1MB - anything larger will not post.

I also added the option to delete trip reports, which wasn't previously available.

Let me know if any questions come up...
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