Just got into hiking peaks and, after browsing a slough of site, registered at this one. Fantastic setup and great data.
And, I have already discovered a discrepancy for a local peak between Google Earth and the appropriate quadrangle.
Red Mountain in Silver Bow County, Montana - http://listsofjohn.com/PeakStats/Climbers.php?Id=24980
Google Earth has it labeled on top of what is an unnamed and unmarked peak on LoJ (Peak 10,039) which is sandwiched between:
Unnamed 10136 - http://listsofjohn.com/PeakStats/Climbers.php?Id=24936
Table Mountain - http://listsofjohn.com/PeakStats/Climbers.php?Id=17587
What do I go on? I'll likely snag them all. But, for the sake of argument...