Export 50 Closest Files

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Export 50 Closest Files

Postby wayfarer » Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:17 am

Would it be possible to add the ability to export your 50 Closest unclimbed peaks as gpx, kml, etc. files? It would be cool - and useful - to be able to study your current 50 Closest unclimbed peaks in Google Earth or simply add them to your gps without having to pick them out individually from multiple files. Or does this ability already exist and I just can't find it?

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Re: Export 50 Closest Files

Postby KentonB » Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:58 pm

Let me jump on to Rick's question with something quasi-related... Is there a way to make the "50" closest peaks a variable number? (i.e., to see the closest "100" or the closest "10")? I know you can modify the URL to adjust to any prominence, but would love to have the ability to see beyond 50.

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Re: Export 50 Closest Files

Postby John Kirk » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:53 pm

Will try to get to this at some point in the near future...
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Re: Export 50 Closest Files

Postby John Kirk » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:34 pm

Implemented these changes...
  • Extended possible # of closest peaks to 500 (dropdown has presets).
  • Added export with type selection at the end of the list (as with all other export features, requires login and member donation).
  • Added some additional functionality to the prominence parameter (including the calculation of radius of completed peaks based on user-selected prominence).
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Re: Export 50 Closest Files

Postby wayfarer » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:59 pm

Awesome! This is great. Would it be possible to add the same functionality, or at least the ability to select the number of peaks and prominence criteria, to the member's Closest Peaks unclimbed maps? Or, if not on the 50 Closest Unclimbed map itself, then an option on the list page to display the corresponding map - like some of the other lists have?

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Re: Export 50 Closest Files

Postby John Kirk » Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:26 am

Done. Optimizing map zoom dynamically was pretty challenging, but necessary when switching prominence thresholds and changing n# of peaks.
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Re: Export 50 Closest Files

Postby wayfarer » Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:03 am

Works perfectly! Much appreciated and a very, very nice addition. Even though I originally only wanted to be able to export my Closest 50 P300s, it is really neat to be able to see all these other display options on-site with the attendant interactivity. Nice to be able to immediately see the locations of my closest unclimbed P1Ks and P500s. Also a bit depressing to see the nearest unclimbed P2Ks map, but nothing I wasn't already perfectly aware of. Also nice to see that within a 54 mile radius I still have 500 P300s left to climb. Shouldn't run out of new peaks to do anytime soon!

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