Mt Tam. in Nor Cal's Marin County

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Mt Tam. in Nor Cal's Marin County

Postby AaronIhinger » Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:25 am

What a maze of trails! Does anyone know if their is parking available on Summit Ave (at the trhd, elev:800'), above Mill Valley? I'd like to hike the Temelpa trail, evidently it's been on maps since the 1880's. It sounds like people use this route from downtown MV, but I can't seem to find a report from anyone who parked at the trhd. Thanks, Aaron
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Postby John Kirk » Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:40 am

Looks like you can even nearly drive to the top, but there are also a lot of ways to hike it. There is a pretty good summitpost page
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Postby AaronIhinger » Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:53 am

I've driven to the top in my youth (I grew up near there), but I still haven't listed it, because I don't consider it hiked or climbed. That would be like counting Evans if you drove it. I found the SP page as well, but there are no routes listed, just summit log listings of trails that are hard to figure on the map. I found a sight that shows the trail from Summit Ave, but doesn't mention parking. The guy hiked it up streets from town... and another that makes Summit Ave sound blocked by residential. I'm still curious, but it sounds like if you want the Temelpa Trail, you have to park inside the SP, pay yout toll, and find your way to it on a maze of other trails... Thanks John, Aaron
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Postby kirkmallory » Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:13 pm

If the county highpoint is also a mountain, I'd prefer to climb it. But since many county highpoints aren't mountains, they're in a different category for me, and therefore, simply reaching them counts! I also drove as high as you can for Mt. Tam, so I can count it as a county highpoint, but not as a mountain! Seems like I've heard there's a way to climb it from the beach - I'll have to check into that more - that would be cool! Mt. Diablo is another cohp that I've "reached" but one day I'd like to climb it as a mountain. I think there are good trails there too.
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