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Contiguous US Fourteeners Member Area

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:26 am
by John Kirk
Many of us have completed the Fourteeners of Colorado, but how many will have completed all 88 Ranked, Named, and Unranked (with at least 100' prominence) Fourteeners within the States of California, Colorado, and Washington? Time will tell...

In the meantime, we can track our progress HERE

While we don't exactly get our name in lights, for each of the lists you complete, there is now a gold star Image on your profile and Stats pages.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:38 pm
by Layne Bracy
John: Excellent addition to the site! Mount Rainier also has a 3rd named point, Point Success, 14158'. Topozone shows its connecting saddle as being above the 14000' contour, but below the 14140' contour, so it has over 100' prominence.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:08 pm
by John Kirk
Thanks Layne,

I rememeber purging that one too - at the time of my list gathering, I made a subconscious decision to leave it out. It is included now.

West Wilson?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:04 pm
by jmaki
Without digging out the maps, does West Wilson lie on the traverse between El Diente and Mt Wilson?

Had to look at the map...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:48 pm
by John Kirk
West Wilson is indeed on the traverse assuming the ridge crest is followed on that part. I guess you figured that out aleady though based on looking at your stats. That's a cool traverse I'll have to do one of these days.