Contiguous US 1,000 Highest Peaks

Don Nelsen has completed 13 of the 5000 Highest Contiguous U.S. Peaks
US Rank  Name  Elevation  Prominence  Quadrangle  State 
Whitney, Mount14,494' 10,079' Mount WhitneyCA
1283 Humphreys Peak12,634' 6,054' Humphreys PeakAZ
1767 Adams, Mount12,278' 8,133' Mount Adams EastWA
2238 Charleston Peak11,915' 8,257' Charleston PeakNV
2777 Mummy Mountain11,527' 816' Charleston PeakNV
2823 San Gorgonio Mountain11,501' 8,283' San Gorgonio MountainCA
3128 Grant, Mount11,300' 3,960' Mount GrantNV
3213 Hood, Mount11,244' 7,704' Mount Hood SouthOR
4055 San Jacinto Peak10,811' 8,303' San Jacinto PeakCA
4146 Rose, Mount10,776' 3,636' Mount RoseNV
4385 Sandia Crest10,678' 4,108' Sandia CrestNM
4825 Jefferson, Mount10,497' 5,797' Mount JeffersonOR
4896 Lassen Peak10,464' 5,249' Lassen PeakCA

US 1,000 Highest Member Index